Kids Activities With Bubble Solution

Bubble solution is very handy to have in the house, but you can also make your own bubble solution.

Bubble solution is great in bubble sensory play.

This is a collection with some of our favorite bubble solution kids activities. You can make your own bubble solution easily.

Bubble sensory play

“Let’s see how big a bubble you can blow with this straw and bubble solution!” or “See how mummy blows bubbles”. You say to your kids as they shriek with delight. Bubbles are fun!

I like this activity because it is so simple, requiring only a few basic supplies and you can make your own bubble solution. Older kids can blow the bubbles themselves and younger kids can play with the bubbles as you blow. Just add bubble solution to a bowl, add food coloring and blow away, letting your kids play.

1/2 cup water

1/4 cup bubble bath or dish soap