Activity For Kids:

2 Ingredient cloud dough

This is a great alternative to flour based playdough.

It's especially handy if you don't have flour in the house but you have cornstarch and conditioner.

This activity is great to teach your kids:

Colour recognition activities helps children get to know the different colors and color blending and matching.

Sensory play is play that involves all the senses - taste, sound, sight, touch and smell. Sensory play is very beneficial to children. Research shows that sensory play builds nerve connections in the brain’s pathways, which lead to the child’s ability to complete more complex learning tasks. Sensory play is also very relaxing and rejuvenating to children.

Step 1

Mix 1 cup of conditioner to 2 cups of cornstarch and add food coloring if you like.

Step 2

Invite your kids to play

I'm not sure if I used too little conditioner or what but it took some trail and error to get this cloud dough recipe just right. I had to add more conditioner because it was too dry, then it was too wet so I added more cornstarch. But in the end it was a lovely soft playdough that both my kids enjoyed playing with.